Not only were the Colt family closely related by generations of incest. Police and welfare officers were shocked by the appalling squalor and degradation on a property where children were found to. It wasn't until a squad of police and child protection officers arrived unannounced on the property one day in early June last year, that the shocking truth about the Colts would be revealed. Occasionally, when the welfare officers came visiting, the children would be forced to attend a few days of school, where they needed remedial teaching. The town people didn't even know their names. Out would pile a dirty troupe of ragtag children, some of them rail thin, wearing dirty clothes. Occasionally, the womenfolk would come into town in a four-wheel drive. The men occasionally sold firewood and two of the adult men worked as council labourers. Neighbours on one of the large properties or hobby farms occasionally heard a chainsaw, but no laughter or play. Living in a row of ramshackle tents and sheds which had no showers, toilets or running water were 40 adults and children. ON A rough block of scrub hidden in the hills above a quiet NSW country town, the Colt family had a terrible secret.